
Romania Blockchain Summit promises to be one of the most important conferences dedicated to innovative technologies in the South-Eastern European region, bringing together the public sector, political decision-makers, developers, researchers, global entrepreneurs, leaders and innovators.

The event is organized under the high patronage of the Romanian Ministry of Communications and Information Society, together with the representatives of the Blockchain industry and with the participation of the European Blockchain Observatory and Forum.

The purpose of this summit is to:

Debate and identify the most important issues and use cases of Blockchain technology;

Match the demand with the offer of projects developed on the basis of Blockchain technology;

Provide a platform for networking and business matchings leading to new partnerships that will generate new successful projects in the Blockchain industry.

Develop the dialogue between the government officials, regulators and the private sector in the blockchain area;

Promote the skills, experience and knowledge of the Romanian Blockchain experts;

Exchange information and expertise between highly experienced investors and entrepreneurs in the blockchain area.

World renowned guests, leading technologists, founders of blockchain enterprises, regulators and blockchain enthusiasts are invited to join the extraordinary gathering at the iconic Romanian Palace of Parliament, in Bucharest, from June 21st to the 22nd, to experience unrivalled networking opportunities with professionals across every aspect of the industry.

The event is set to gather and disseminate valuable knowledge and insights, as Bucharest is home to an innovative start-up environment and a strong blockchain and crypto community.
Attending startups and entrepreneurs will also have the chance to introduce their business to some of the region’s leading investors and investment funds. Experienced investors will also be in the jury evaluating and awarding the most promising blockchain startups in the Pitch Competition.

Apart from the plenary sessions that guests are welcome to attend, Romania Blockchain Summit also provides several parallel sessions per day, for which ticket holders can express preference during the online registration process.

Tickets for the Romanian Blockchain Summit can be purchased via Eventbrite.


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Startup Factory is an NGO (Non Government, Non Profit Organisation) that develops the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the IT community in Eastern Europe and Bulgaria. The mission of the organisation is supporting early stage startups, building key skills in demand by the market and cultivating the favourable infrastructure and environment for turning ideas into real products with potential for commercialisation.